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Online Information

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

This page is for online reading sources. There are several good blogs that are being published by teachers, administrators, and others involved with education. If you have a link to some reading, please share it with the group!


In addition to the blogs listed below, I have about 60 other ones that I check up on through the week to see what nuggets I can find. If you are interested in starting a RSS list, let me know and I'll mail you an opml file with all the contacts so you just have to import them. If you have any blogs, especially with a Saskatchewan focus, I'd appreciate their URL's.


webblogg-ed - a site that promotes the use of web2.0 tools in education. Some very good discussions.

ideas and thoughts from an edtech - Dean Shareski is a consultant with Prairie Skies in Moose Jaw. He has some great comments about technology and education.

Trevor - Trev is an administrator from Saskatchewan who has just begun blogging. Some might find it interesting to see what he has to say.


Vicki Davis - Vicki has done some truly amazing things with teaching and technology and she just began using the tools a year and a half ago. She has some very good links and insights.


Swan Valley Technology Page - Swan Valley School Division page has many good resources for teachers.

Darren Kuropatwa - another educator who is doing great things with technology.


SSBA - one of our own associations


SCEA - another of our own associations


ASCD - a popular leadership magazine website.


CAP - Canadian Association of Principals


STF - Federation link


Mr. P's Blog - an administrator from the U.S. - has some very good comments about administrative concerns.


Principal Online - an online version of the journal. Some good articles.


Saskatchewan School Board link


Survey of Principals - from Stats Canada


NASSP - US organization of Secondary Principals.


NAESP - US organization of Elementary Principals.


Education World - Administrator Section - some interesting articles and ideas.

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